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Dr. Tang-Ritchie Represented PCHS at the 2023 Women’s Health Innovation Opportunity Map

From January 2023 through July 2023, Dr. Leng Tang-Ritchie represented Pacific College in the development of the Women’s Health Innovation Opportunity Map, sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Leng Tang-Ritchie is our Vice President of Clinical Education and Operations. Women’s health is an area that …

The Benefits of Massage Therapy for the Childbearing Years

By Kiera Nagle, MA, LMT Are you a parent or considering parenthood? As we grow through our 20s, 30s, and 40s, the question of parenthood often crosses our minds and becomes part of our conversations, whether we are partnered or not. While there are undoubtedly innumerable joys that come from parenting, one of the major …

Wellnest Cites Pacific’s Dr. Leena Guptha on Chasteberry for PMS

Lauren Tannenbaum and Mara Santilli, writing for Wellnest, the blog of HUM Nutrition, extensively cited Dr. Leena Guptha, DO, MBA, BCTMB, Pacific College’s Academic Dean of Online Education in a recent article on chasteberry for PMS. Tannenbaum and Santilli introduced the plant’s lengthy history (it even makes an appearance in the 8th century BCE Greek …

The Maternal Tradition of “Sitting the Month”: Traditional Chinese Medicine Postpartum Care

Growing up with my family in Taiwan, consuming herbal foods was part of our daily life. When my menstrual cycle started at the age of fourteen, my mother began cooking herbal medicine. Intrigued neighborhood aunties would visit and ask why, and mother proudly shared that I was “becoming an adult”. The soup I drank was …

Pacific College Student Interns Make a Difference for Women with Disabilities

By Elena Tate “Getting regular massage therapy and acupuncture has allowed me to manage my pain without the use of opioids,” said Ms. Jeanette Jones. She has been regularly receiving massage therapy and acupuncture by Pacific College interns at the Initiative for Women with Disabilities (IWD) for over 10 years. She, like millions of others, …

Moving the Needle

The following is an extract from Jill Blakeway’s new book, Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing, published by Harper Collins in April 2019. In 1996, scientists at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, were keeping a radical project under wraps. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, including their colleagues in the scientific …

Treat Women’s Diseases with 11.06 Return to the Nest and 11.24 Gynecological Points

By Susan Johnson, LAc, and Eric Renaud, MAc, LAc  Excerpted from: Tung’s Magic Points, Volume One: A Definitive Clinical Guide. Used primarily for women, 11.06 Return to the Nest and 11.24 Gynecological Points are combined to treat all gynecological diseases, such as premenstrual syndrome, menopausal hot flashes and night sweats, infertility, ovarian disease, cyclic migraines, …

A TCM Approach to Nourishing The New Mother: Acupuncture & Dietary Therapy for Postpartum Healing

By Lauren Dyer, MSA, LAc, DiplAc (NCCAOM) Postpartum depression (PPD) is a sensitive and stigmatized condition that afflicts 1 in 7[1] or 11-20%[2] of women each year. Even a 15% average[3] of 4 million live births[4] each year in the United States means that nearly 600,000[5] women a year suffer from PPD. These figures do not account for women who miscarry …