Student Consumer Information

School Performance Fact Sheets

San Diego

New York

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Reporting Disclosure

The US Department of Education Certification and Agreement directs each institution applying for Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) to comply with Section 18004(e) of the CARES Act and to post the following information in accordance with requirements set forth by the Secretary of Education: CARES Act Information

College Catalog

The College Catalog contains information including the admissions process, program options, and discrimination and sexual harassment policies. Tuition and fees in effect at Pacific College of Health and Science are also available through the catalog, but be advised that rates are subject to change. To confirm rates, please contact your local campus.

View the Catalog (San Diego, New York, Chicago: All Programs)

Annual Disclosures

Annual disclosure reports contain information on campus crime and security, sexual misconduct prevention and response, and drug and alcohol abuse prevention.

Observance of Constitution and Citizenship Day

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Copyright Infringement Policy

U.S. Department of Education Pacific College of Health and Science College Scorecards

Student Disability Services

The College is committed to providing assistance for students, faculty, staff, and patients with disabilities and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its programs, benefits, and services. More information

Transfer Credit Policy and Articulation Agreements

Net Price Calculator

PCHS’s Net Price Calculator provides an estimate of federal and institutional aid eligibility, as well as additional financing options. View the Net Price Calculator

Voter Registration

The Federal Election Commission provides guidance regarding voter registration in each state.

Title IX Compliance

The Title IX Representative is responsible for the school’s overall compliance with Title IX, including response to reports of sexual misconduct affecting the campus community. The Title IX Representative’s contact information is listed below; questions about the application of Title IX and the College’s compliance with it should be directed to this individual.

If you wish to make a report of sexual misconduct affecting the campus community, please follow the grievance procedure published in the academic catalog (for students) or contact Human Resources (for employees).

Title IX Representative

Dr. Ashley Kowal, VP of Student Services
110 William Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10038
(929) 373-3223
[email protected] 

Illinois Disclosure

In accordance with the Illinois Student Debt Assistance Act, the Financial and Physical Hardship Withdrawal Policy establishes procedures to assist students enrolled in one of Pacific College of Health and Science’s online programs or Illinois campus in limiting their debt when a physical or financial hardship requires the student to withdraw from their coursework in any given term.

To begin the application process, the student must contact their advisor to discuss their request. The advisor will assist in completion of the Physical or Financial Withdrawal Hardship information on the withdrawal form.

Covered hardships include:

  • Serious injury or illness
  • Chronic illness
  • Medical issue of a family member in which the student must become a part-time or full-time caretaker of that family member
  • Mental health condition
  • Sudden or consistent lack of transportation issue
  • Significant cost of living increase

Student Consumer Complaints