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The Tao of Trauma

Using the Law of the Five Elements to Restore Balance and Regulation in Trauma Survivors By Alaine D. Duncan, MAc, DiplAc This article was originally published in the Fall 2022 edition of the AIM Newspaper. Read the full paper. My full physical mailing address (name/practice, street, city, state, ZIP, country) is:”>subscribe to the print edition …

MJ News Network Publishes Program Director Timothy Byars’ Opinion on Cannabis Education

MJ News Network recently published an opinion piece by Pacific College’s Director of Medical Cannabis Programs, Timothy Byars, on recent movements within the political landscape for medical cannabis. In July 2022, Democrats filed a bill called the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA). This bill would end federal cannabis prohibition, establish federal cannabis tax rates, …

MyCannabis Interviews Medical Cannabis Program Director Timothy Byars

MyCannabis recently conducted an interview with Pacific College’s Director of Medical Cannabis Programs, Timothy Byars. An overwhelming majority of doctors complete medical school without learning anything about the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which he says is “too vast a physiological system and too important to continue to ignore”, or even medical cannabis in general. Most medical …

Timothy Byars Interviewed By Cannabis Health News on Medical Cannabis Education

Cannabis Health News recently interviewed Timothy Byars, Pacific College’s Director of medical cannabis programs, on the knowledge gap in the medical cannabis industry. Experts predict that the legal market for medical cannabis will increase to $143 billion by 2025, with demand for healthcare professionals with expertise in medical cannabis correspondingly skyrocketing. Very few institutions, however, …

What is Stress?

Stress is a ubiquitous term. Just walk down your local grocery aisle and you are going to be inundated with the term and proposed methods for helping in every tabloid. Arguably, the most interesting aspect of this five-letter word is that it is often used in everyday conversation without thought as to what it actually …

Wellnest Cites Pacific’s Dr. Leena Guptha on Chasteberry for PMS

Lauren Tannenbaum and Mara Santilli, writing for Wellnest, the blog of HUM Nutrition, extensively cited Dr. Leena Guptha, DO, MBA, BCTMB, Pacific College’s Academic Dean of Online Education in a recent article on chasteberry for PMS. Tannenbaum and Santilli introduced the plant’s lengthy history (it even makes an appearance in the 8th century BCE Greek …

Practice Passion: 6 Strategies to Establish Solid Boundaries

By Dr. East Phillips, DAOM, LAc According to one of my favorite thought leaders, Brené Brown, people with strong boundaries are the most compassionate[1]. What do you think of that statement? Does it seem counterintuitive to you? It often seems to me as though many of us lack solid boundaries because we don’t want to …

How Do You Treat Post-Traumatic Stress in Your Clinic?

This article was slightly edited from one published as a Clinical Pearl in The Journal of the American Society of Acupuncturists, Vol 6, No 2, Spring 2019. By Alaine D. Duncan, MAc, DiplAc Chinese medicine (CM) is a powerful modality for treating dysregulation caused by traumatic stress. Our foundational premise of opposing poles of energy …

Dr. Greg Lane, Pacific College Dean of Graduate Faculty, Interviewed by Healthline on the Rise of Alternative Medicine

Healthline, a resource for physical and mental wellness, recently interviewed Dr. Greg Lane, DACM, LAc, Pacific College’s Dean of Graduate Faculty, and Tara Scott, MD, medical director of integrative health at Summa Health in Ohio and CMO and founder of Revitalize Academy, on why complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices like acupuncture are becoming less ‘alternative’. …