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Oriental Medicine Makes Miracles Happen: Acupuncture & Infertility

For the 4.5 million couples experiencing infertility each year, acupuncture may be just what the doctor ordered. Acupuncture can increase fertility by reducing stress, increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and balancing the endocrine system, according to several studies and medical research. Acupuncture consists of the gentle insertion and stimulation of thin, disposable sterile …

Spring and TCM – 5 Element Theory

The Five Element Theory serves as a major diagnostic and treatment tool in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is based on the observation of the natural cycles and interrelationships in the environment and within ourselves. For example, there are five environmental elements – fire, earth, metal, water and wood – each corresponding with certain body organs, …

Chinese Medicine for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

This March will mark the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation’s sixth annual National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. As we continue to learn more about this illness, research suggests that alternative medicine may play an important role in both prevention and treatment. Colorectal cancer is the second largest cancer killer in the U.S., but is highly …

TCM to Treat Infertility

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) suggests that there are three main causes of infertility: deficiency syndrome, stagnancy syndrome and heat syndrome. According to Dr. Subhuti Dharmananda from the Institute for Traditional Medicine, the deficiency syndrome prevents the hormonal system from properly influencing the sexual and reproductive functions. The stagnancy syndrome prevents the sexual and reproductive organs …

Treating Children with Traditional Chinese Medicine

By Laura L. Ecklund Pediatrics is one of the oldest specialties within Chinese medicine and dates from the early first millennium. Since that time, there has been continuous development in the diagnosis and treatment of children’s diseases. Past generations of Chinese doctors have discovered various characteristics that are common in all children. The various modalities …

Oriental Medicine Brings New Life to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sufferers

Fatigue is a common occurrence experienced by millions on a regular basis. However, fatigue is a constant Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptom in what is often thought of as an underlying systemic illness. Additional indicators of CFS consist of flu-like symptoms, generalized pain and memory problems, and an inability to perform mental or physical activities easily. …

What Do We Know about Menopause? Easing Symptoms with Gentle Chinese Medicine

While the U.S. scientific community works to develop an agreed-upon treatment protocol for universal symptoms, practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine or Oriental medicine have long known that each woman is unique in her experience of hormonal changes. Understanding Menopause: Western vs Eastern Perspectives The early signs of menopause appear when the ovaries stop producing eggs, …