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Reflexology and Anxiety

Millions of people around the world suffer from anxiety.  While most individual experiences can be considered mild or temporary, there are others for whom anxiety is a debilitating mental and emotional disorder that can have significant negative effects on one’s physical, emotional, and social functions.  As an alternative treatment, reflexology massage is commonly recommended to …

Acupuncture Can Help With Depression

In any given year, over 18.8 million American adults, age 18 and older, suffer from depression. Nearly twice as many women as men are affected by this often debilitating condition. Depression affects approximately five percent of children and teenagers. Depression is often symptomatic of the body’s response to overwhelming and constant stress. This stress could …

Therapeutic Massage for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

By Alex A. Kecskes GAD sufferers are often overly concerned about health issues, money, family problems or difficulties on the job. They can have negative, fearful thoughts about the future or suffer excessive guilt about some past event. These concerns can last for months and are often groundless. Physical symptoms associated with GAD include muscle …

Massage for Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

In light of recent world events, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, has been a subject of much discussion in the news. However, it is not only troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who suffer from PTSD. Healthcare workers from many different disciplines are seeing increased numbers of patients from all walks of life presenting …

Using Acupressure to Relieve Pain and Anxiety

     The ancient Chinese healing art of acupressure is similar to acupuncture, but instead of applying needles to certain points on the body, the technique uses finger pressure on these points. Like acupuncture, applying pressure on specific points of the body draws on the body’s natural abilities to cure itself. The pressure promotes blood …

Anxiety Disorders and Traditional Chinese Medicine

By Alex A. Kecskes Anxiety is a mental disorder that affects literally millions of people. It’s an illness that often dovetails with depression and alternates from mild discomfort to almost uncontrollable panic with physical symptoms. While some medications have been known to ease anxiety, they may also suffer from undesirable side effects, suppressing the symptoms …

Ease Anxiety with Auricular Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a holistic medicine that began about 5,000 years ago in China. Other ancient forms of Oriental medicine include herbology, diet, energy-cultivation exercises, and life-style counseling. One thing that each of these methods has in common is the combined interest of the physical with the spiritual, or internal, being. Oriental medicine strives to heal …

Acupuncture and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis of Depression and Anxiety

Depression is a condition that involves both the mind and the body and affects how a person feels, thinks, and behaves, and may make a person feel anxious and apathetic. Many people who suffer from depression or anxiety complain of muscle pain, headache, upset digestion, fatigue, and loss of interest, among other things. Traditional Chinese …