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PCOM to Offer Treatments at Tunnel to Towers Run

Acupuncture and Massage Relieves Stress for 9/11 Heroes and Survivors at Tunnel to Towers Run on Sunday, September 27th NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 4, 2015 Contact: Cynthia Neipris (212) 982-3456 x229 [email protected]   Sunday, September 27th – Police officers, firefighters, survivors of 9/11, family members, and supporters from throughout the world will receive acupuncture …

MaMassage: The Benefits of Prenatal Massage for Mamas-to-be

I believe massage therapy has a ripple effect–a radiating energy, an extension of our clients’ own healing processes, on through to the other humans within their circle. In our work with pregnant clients, this connection is even more obvious, and infinitely rewarding. When we work with a woman who is carrying another human inside her, we are essentially working with two people simultaneously. As practitioners of touch therapy, we must be fully present to be mindful of that fact. Part of our role as therapist is to educate our clients (and other health care practitioners) about the many benefits that purposeful bodywork engenders for both the mother and the baby.

What is Massage Therapy Used For? Consider How Massage Can Heal

Are you interested in becoming a massage therapist? Massage is a sought-after form of relaxation and is often thought to be a luxury. At Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM), we teach more than massage for relaxation. We know that massage is good for the body as well as the mind. With our ancient Asian …

Self Care Tips for Massage Therapists: You Take Care of Others’ Pain, Be Sure to Prevent Your Own

Massage therapists are naturally nurturing, intuitive individuals. They dedicate their careers to helping others release pain and get their bodies back into balance. However, if a massage therapist doesn’t take great care to avoid it, they may be on a path toward the opposite effect on their own health. Remember, you best serve your clients …

Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Massage: Share These Ideas with Your Patients for a Healing Massage Experience

“Always say “yes” to the present moment. Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.” ― Eckhart Tolle A quality massage is a wonder to experience. A massage patient can feel lighter, uplifted, and more energetic for days after a great …