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How to Take Care of Yourself After an Acupuncture Treatment

The 24 hours following each acupuncture session can be as influential as the treatment itself. By resting, applying heat packs, and engaging in healthy practices, you can enhance results while avoiding the reintroduction of harmful toxins into the body. This will leave you with a greater sense of mental clarity, as well as improved physical …

The Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Eczema

Typically marked by blotchy, itchy, or otherwise irritated skin, eczema refers to a group of skin conditions that cause sufferers both physical and mental anguish. The annoying symptoms associated with eczema are typically eased via steroids and topical medications, but these often lead to unwanted side effects. Increasingly, patients are turning to traditional Chinese medicine …

Clinical Experience vs. Evidence-Based Practice: Do We Have to Choose?

Developing a manual for integrative practice, research and teaching By Claudia Citkovitz I have spent the last 13 years developing and leading an inpatient acupuncture program at NYU Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. At present, 12 acupuncturists are credentialed there to treat inpatients throughout the hospital. Four of us are preceptors and the …

Kansas Passes Acupuncture Practice Act

May 19, 2016 Big congratulations to Kansas! On May 13, Kansas made great strides forward by passing the Acupuncture Practice Act as part of HB2615, gathering all 40 votes in the Senate and 115-7 in the House. The Acupuncture Practice Act, which has been in the works for more than five years, requires acupuncturists practicing in the state to be licensed. …

PCOM to Offer Treatments at Tunnel to Towers Run

Acupuncture and Massage Relieves Stress for 9/11 Heroes and Survivors at Tunnel to Towers Run on Sunday, September 27th NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 4, 2015 Contact: Cynthia Neipris (212) 982-3456 x229 [email protected]   Sunday, September 27th – Police officers, firefighters, survivors of 9/11, family members, and supporters from throughout the world will receive acupuncture …

Can Acupuncture Really Benefit Stroke Recovery?

The World Health Organization estimates that 15 million individuals suffer from stroke annually worldwide, most of whom live in developed countries, where hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and cardiac diseases are prevalent. Stroke is the third leading cause of fatality and ranks highest as a cause of disability.1 Global Stroke Statistics and Challenges in Treatment Western medicine has …

Cancer Fatigue and Acupuncture Points

I was sitting at the desk in my office when a woman in her seventies suddenly appeared in the doorway and asked me, “Excuse me, do you treat cancer patients?” As I was looking for the right words to form my answer, the woman made that task easier for me. “You see, my husband has lung cancer, and he is undergoing chemotherapy. His doctor is happy with the results because my husband’s metastases have stopped spreading. Before starting the treatment, however, he was active and energetic, but now he spends most of the day in bed. Can acupuncture help?”