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Acupuncture and Its Effect During and After Pregnancy

Acupuncture, a Chinese medical practice, has been used for thousands of years to treat many conditions in women during and after pregnancy.  Many more women are discovering acupuncture during their pregnancies in search of safe, drug-free treatments for their conditions.  Years of practice have shown that acupuncture treatments throughout pregnancy enhance the health of the …

Pediatric Acupuncture-Common Childhood Ailments that Respond to Acupuncture

Who better to reap the benefits of preventative medicine then those most pure; children? Children seem to gain large benefits from preventative medicine and when it comes to their reaction to Oriental Medicine it’s no different. Oriental Medicine has been treating children for centuries, and as it turns out Pediatrics is one of the medicines …

Benefits of Acupuncture on Fertility Treatments

Acupuncture has been known to cure illness, relieve pain, and chemotherapy-induced nausea. This ancient healing art is now being applied to modern fertilization techniques. “Acupuncture, which is nontoxic and relatively affordable, holds much promise as a complimentary or alternative fertility treatment,” said Dr. Raymond Chang of New York Weill Cornell Medical Center. Understanding Acupuncture in …

Trends in Graduate Education: Younger Students Attending National Acupuncture College

Since the start of Oriental medical/ acupuncture education in the United States in the 1970s and until recently, most students entering Oriental medicine school already had established careers in health care and other fields. But there is a new trend in education. Pacific College of Oriental Medicine has been educating health care providers since 1986. …

Acupuncture and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis of Depression and Anxiety

Depression is a condition that involves both the mind and the body and affects how a person feels, thinks, and behaves, and may make a person feel anxious and apathetic. Many people who suffer from depression or anxiety complain of muscle pain, headache, upset digestion, fatigue, and loss of interest, among other things. Traditional Chinese …

Acupuncture for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder

The term “functional disorder” refers to a disease or disorder in which a body part functions in an abnormal manner. The functional gastrointestinal disorders affect many people around the globe, of different age groups, and of all genders. Western physicians have determined that functional gastrointestinal disorders are the single most common illness found in most individuals in …

Women with Disabilities Find Relief with Acupuncture

Despite the recent importance being placed on women’s health issues , the fact that many women with multiple sclerosis (MS) and other disabilities do not know how to obtain basic medical and emotional care often goes overlooked. Luckily, not by everyone. Expanding Health Services for Women with Disabilities In an effort to provide respectful, high-quality …