InsideHook Cites Deb Reuss, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, on Lymphatic Drainage Massage

By Pacific College - January 6, 2022

Logan Mahan, writing about lymphatic drainage massage for InsideHook, cited Deborah Reuss, MA, CMT, CES, Academic Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Pacific College of Health and Science’s San Diego campus–a position that includes oversight of the massage therapy programs. Mahan, who writes about luxury lifestyle topics for InsideHook, recently discovered lymphatic drainage massage on TikTok in the context of relief for bloating and constipation. The technique uses rhythmic movements to stimulate fluid movement in your lymphatic system and nodes, particularly major lymph nodes in the armpits, neck, groin, and abdomen.

“A lymphatic drainage massage is a form of a very light but effective massage that stimulates the movement of lymph around the body that helps the removal of waste products from body tissues,” explained Reuss. Your lymphatic system also absorbs fats from your digestive tract and aids your immune response. When she tried it, Mahan found that the treatment made her feel relaxed, lighter, and less bloated, though she emphasized the importance of finding a qualified, reputable massive therapist as this type of massage is extremely specialized.


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