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Weight Control, Ayurveda, TCM and Stress

Ancient healing traditions such as Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine see our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being as being based on the proper balance of vital energies. As one might imagine, both of these similar traditions, fluctuations in weight are believed to occur when the mind, emotions, diet, digestion, metabolism and appetite are out of …

Jin Shin Treatment Can Help Stroke Victims

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. This debilitating disease affects more than 700,000 individuals each year (or approximately one person every 45 seconds). It is also a leading cause of serious, long-term disability, confining thousands to wheelchairs and dependency for help in their daily lives. Complementary and alternative medicines …

Soothing, Natural Cures for Hemorrhoids

Many people suffer from hemorrhoids, which can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Hemorrhoids usually occur when the veins around the anus become distended due to constipation, childbirth, heavy lifting, or long periods of sitting. Typical symptoms include itching and irritation around the anus area. In some cases, as the condition becomes progressively worse, there may …

Acupuncture Offers Relief for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting as many as ten percent of women of childbearing age. It is not a disease and it can occur at any age before menopause. Moreover, since its symptoms are often similar to other conditions affecting women, PCOS can go undiagnosed for some …

Reiki Massage and Pain Management

Back pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, cancer – there is an astounding number of patients suffering from some condition resulting in chronic pain. In fact according to Anthony H. Wheeler. MD, a specialist in pain and orthopedic neurology writing for WebMD, Approximately 80% of Americans experience Lower Back Pain (LBP) during their lifetime. With the many associated …

Massage for Common Infant and Pediatric Disorders

Long before Western medicine started the specialty of pediatrics, traditional Chinese medicine recognized the unique “Qi” of children. TCM understands the fragile nature of both the anatomy and the life force of infants and children, and has modified its modalities accordingly. In addition, there are TCM protocols that have been developed to specifically treat the …

Using Massage as an Effective Treatment of Sports Injuries

To the athlete, it is always important to improve performance, and stave off injury while keeping the body strong. Therefore, more and more Complimentary and Alternative Medical (CAM) practices are finding their ways into locker rooms from the Olympics to the NFL. One of the most popular of these CAM techniques is therapeutic massage. More …

Massage for Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

In light of recent world events, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, has been a subject of much discussion in the news. However, it is not only troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who suffer from PTSD. Healthcare workers from many different disciplines are seeing increased numbers of patients from all walks of life presenting …

Tui Na Massage

Most Complimentary and Alternative (CAM) healing traditions have a form of massage, or laying on of hands, as part of their protocols, and traditional Chinese medicine is no exception. Shiatsu is one form of Oriental massage, yet there is another therapeutic Chinese massage technique you may not be as familiar with, called Tui Na. Tui …