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Can Acupuncture Really Benefit Stroke Recovery?

The World Health Organization estimates that 15 million individuals suffer from stroke annually worldwide, most of whom live in developed countries, where hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and cardiac diseases are prevalent. Stroke is the third leading cause of fatality and ranks highest as a cause of disability.1 Global Stroke Statistics and Challenges in Treatment Western medicine has …

A Practitioner’s Guide to Longevity Medicine for Women

By Lia Andrews, DAOM, LAc “The superior physician treats that which is not yet ill. The inferior physician treats that which is already ill.” –Ling Shu Chapter 55 Every practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine is armed with this famed quote in school, yet we quickly finds him or herself out in the real world of …

Jing, or Essence: A Brief Attempt at Elucidation of a Key Notion in Chinese Medicine

By Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée THE CHARACTER On the left hand side of the character for essence, jing, 精, we find the grain of rice or husked seed, 米, ready to be ground, kneaded and cooked. On the right, a green color is added, 青, qing. This is the green of young growing plants, …

The Art of Practice – 6 Simple Ways to Spice Up Your Practice

By East Haradin, DAOM, LAc Over the course of more than 15 years of private practice, I have realized that there truly is an art to being a continuously successful and completely fulfilled practitioner. Sometimes we get burned out. Sometimes our patients get bored with the same treatment every time they come in. Sometimes we …

The Science of Medicinal Mushrooms

By Andrew Gaeddert What are medicinal mushrooms? Medicinal mushrooms are fungal organisms that are used in traditional Chinese Medicine, nutritional supplements and drugs. It is estimated that China is responsible for 70 percent of the world’s mushroom production. Shiitake cultivation is reported to have begun in China in the 12th century. It is estimated that …

Feng Shui for Wealth

By Amanda Collins Your surroundings have a powerful effect on what you attract into your life. When the energy around you is blocked or unbalanced, your prosperity, health and relationships can be adversely affected. Feng Shui improvements unblock the flow of positive energy, remove negative influences and allow you to attract the prosperity and abundance …

Celebrating Summer with Feng Shui

Summer, the most Yang time of year, is finally arriving. Summer is symbolic of fire, heat, beaches, outdoor activities, and moving outward in nature and in our lives. It represents expansion and activity, abundant energy and longer days. The Summer Solstice on June 21st provides a poignant example of the cyclical nature of Yin and Yang energy. One is never without the other and as soon as a peak is reached, the cycle reverses itself. The long hot Yang days of summer are accompanied by more outdoor activity and fun. Simultaneously, Yin energy strengthens as each night grows a little longer. In six months our winter will begin, and once again each night will grow shorter.