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Massage Beneficial for Older Athletes

By Michelle Fletcher, B.A. It seems alternative and mainstream publications alike are praising the benefits of massage therapy. From those overcoming chemotherapy to colicky newborns, millions are reaping the many benefits of this ancient and practiced art form. Professional athletes are among the largest groups who participate in regular massage therapy treatments. Whether a weekend …

Chinese Extract May Yield Diabetes Treatment

Traditional Chinese Medicine is fast emerging as one of the most potent treatment for diabetes. A new research report published by Bradford B. Lowell from Harvard Medical School, Michael Wheeler from University of Toronto, and Chen-Yu Zhang from Nanjing University, show that Gardenia fruit extract can effectively help treat type II diabetes. The fruit extract …

Acupuncture Aids Those Recovering from Substance Abuse

Recent medical studies and research have led to the discovery of acupuncture’s abilities in the fight against substance abuse. Clinical success stories and anecdotal evidence strongly suggest that acupuncture can alleviate many of the serious symptoms of withdrawal, thus facilitating detoxification and encouraging acute addicts to continue treatment. Detoxification clinics across the country are beginning …

TCM Student Launches The Pulse of Oriental Medicine

According to a 1998 survey in the Journal of the American Medical Association, approximately 42 percent of all Americans are using complementary therapy , spending more than $27 billion annually. The fastest growing of these treatment options is traditional Oriental medicine. Americans have begun to recognize that Oriental medicine provides great insight into many health …

A Pointed Approach to Changing the Worlds

“Acupuncture can change the world,” said Robin Tiberi, Clinical Director of the Pacific Center of Health, San Diego ‘s longest-running acupuncture clinic and the original practice site for the students and faculty of the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Tiberi is putting that conviction to work at the Peace Clinic, an informal, drop-in clinic offering …

Properties of Oriental Medicine Herbs

Bitter, Pungent, Salty, Bland, Sweet, Astringent, Sour, Warm, Cold, Neutral, Hot and Aromatic. To use herbs within the scope of Chinese Herbology, one must first understand the properties (the personality which dictates how an herb will function) of each herb beyond the scope of its category. Properties are tastes, temperatures, and qualities of an herb. …

Chinese Medicine Helps Shed Those Extra Pounds

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 97.1 million adults are overweight, and 39.8 million of those people also meet the criteria for obesity. Approximately 280,000 deaths and 39.3 million missed workdays are attributable to obesity each year. Acupuncture and Tai Chi: Alternative Solutions for Weight Loss While Americans spend $33 billion annually on …

Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Hosts “Asthma Day 2000”

Asthma is the most common chronic condition in the United States , affecting an estimated 15 million people and costing $5.8 billion annually in treatment. In an effort to promote a safe and effective complementary natural asthma treatment , Pacific College of Oriental Medicine hosted “Breath & Relax – Asthma Day” at their New York …

Pacific College Book Club: Some of Our Community Members’ Books

With over 30 years of experience and campuses in San Diego, New York, and Chicago, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) has a wide reach within the burgeoning industry of East Asian and integrative medicine. Pacific College works closely with leaders in holistic health, and many of its faculty members are renowned. The annual Pacific …