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Holistic Nursing Tips for Coping with Stress in the Workplace

Many of us experience some degree of stress in the workplace, but ironically, nurses (who help treat patients suffering from stress related illnesses) are experiencing stress at a much higher rate than most other groups, according to a study conducted by the American Nurses Association. In the study, 70.5% of nurses cited the effects of …

Fertility Acupuncture…and No, it’s Not Just For Women

Ok, so most of the patients ARE women, but at Fertility Specialists Medical Group (FSMG) in San Diego, both men and women are experiencing the benefits of fertility acupuncture, according to PCOM Alumnus Maring Allen, LAc. Allen works with FSMG treating men and women fertility patients, some who are integrating acupuncture treatments with In Vitro Fertilization …

A PCOM Alumnus’ Calling: The Himalaya Project

When Mark Sobralske graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Chicago and went to Kathmandu to volunteer in an integrative medical clinic, he anticipated gaining acupuncture and herbal medicine experience, deepening his Buddhist meditation practice, and certainly finding a little adventure. Mark didn’t anticipate founding a Tibetan medicine school for youths in the remote Nepali …

The Rough Road of Alcoholism and How Chinese Medicine Can Help…

To shed light on the subject of alcohol and the addicting grip it has had on so many, we would like to elucidate some Chinese medicine methods that have worked to renew hope and aid in relinquishing this substance’s hold on lives. Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States- 17.6 …

Get Your Name Out There! More Patients, More Healing

If you’re an acupuncturist, you’ve come a long way. You’ve completed all your schooling, taken your boards, and received your license. You’re ready for your own practice! You may not want to hear this, but there’s still more to accomplish. Ever heard the phrase “if you build it, they will come”?  Sadly, it isn’t that …

Stress Busters that Won’t Bite Back: No Side Effects, No Worries

Stress is universal. What’s not as common is the use of natural methods to prevent or relieve feeling stressed. We all deal with degrees of stress, and the range of intensity can be vast–from simply a bad mood to a serious problem. Feeling constantly overwhelmed or un-centered can lead to depression and have a serious …

What Season Change Means for Your Body…and How Acupuncture Can Help!

Spring is officially here!  And that means change right?  Longer days, warmer weather, flowers blooming…just to name a few, but what about us?  With all these changes going on around us, our bodies are naturally bound to react, and to prevent flu-like symptoms or other negative effects this spring, acupuncturists are recommending getting your dose …

Moxibustion and Other TCM Alternatives for Hormone Replacement Therapy

Today, there are several alternatives for hormone replacement therapy. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on the theory that there are channels throughout the body. Flowing through these channels, known as “meridians” is a person’s vital energy, known as “qi”. When you think of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is probably what first comes to mind. …