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Pacific College New York Gives Relief to Superstorm Sandy Survivors

In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, Pacific College New York has teamed up with acupuncturists throughout the tri-state area to lend a helping hand. Pacific College is providing free community acupuncture treatments for stress relief throughout the month of November at the college clinic. Pacific College Alumnus Julie Cho, was one of a team of …

A Healthy Heart for A Hearty Season: A few small tips to ensure your heart is at its best this winter

We hear a lot about hearts this season. It’s the time of year that giving is on our minds. We open our hearts and homes to family and friends, and think about showing our generosity more than at any other time of year. But what about your own heart? Are you at your own personal …

How Does Acupuncture for Fertility Work? Increase Chance of Conception Without Side Effects

Updated:  November 2021 The overwhelming anguish and sense of loss experienced by women struggling with infertility issues is an unwelcome motivator, driving them to seek other treatment options to overcoming infertility. From home remedies, fertility drugs, and even surgery, to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and donor eggs and embryos, modern healthcare has vastly expanded the array …

Healing from the Inside Out: Looking at Food as Medicine

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” ~Ann Wigmore Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) operates on the belief that everything is connected. No symptom or pain in the body occurs in a vacuum—it’s always related to something else, and there are both …

October is Breast Health Awareness Month: Are You Aware of What You Can Do for Your Health?

“The breast health (& heart) health comes from living a life in which giving and receiving are equally balanced and in which you eat well & move your body joyfully, vigorously and regularly.” ~Christiane Northrup October is Breast Health Awareness Month. A recent BMC Cancer study conducted in Toronto reported that 47% of women with …

Are You in the Know? Recent Healthcare Documentaries to Check Out

It’s election season and healthcare weighs heavy on voter’s minds. But regardless of which party you vote for, you can’t deny that our current healthcare system is undergoing change. The following documentaries have interviewed hundreds of doctors, alternative medicine practitioners, and patients alike to get an understanding of what the future may bring. As a …

Holistic Nursing: Fulfilling the Nurse as Well as the Patient

The American Holistic Nurses Association describes holistic nursing as a practice that “requires nurses to integrate self-care, self-responsibility, spirituality, and reflection in their lives. This may lead the nurse to greater awareness of the interconnectedness with self, others, nature, and spirit.” Incorporating a full circle approach to healthcare that involves the mind and spirit as …