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Top 10 Apps for Mindfulness & Meditation

For thousands of years, Eastern cultures have used meditation as an effective way to quiet the mind and focus on the present moment. Today, many Americans have fully embraced the benefits of meditation, including the reduction of stress and negative emotions. Research provides growing support for meditation as a way to improve physical health as …

The Dilemma of Right Livelihood: Buddhism and the TCM Career Path

By Eric Baker, full time faculty member, Master degree department, Chicago When I was in my early twenties, after I finished my Psych undergrad, I planned on trying my hand at becoming a monk.  I had already become enthralled with Asian Culture, a love that continues to this day.  So, my plan was to first move to …

Celebrating Heart Month with Holistic Wellness Tips

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for one in every four deaths? This February 2016, in conjunction with Heart Month, let’s celebrate our hearts by taking a quick look at some of our favorite, most enjoyable and delicious, holistic heart health solutions. 1. Heart …

The Effects of Eastern and Western Medicine on Female Infertility Associated with Advanced Maternal Age: A Literature Review

By Stacy Frankovitz Reisner, MPH Age is a significant factor that can affect a woman’s ability to conceive. As many women are postponing childbearing for later in their reproductive lives, infertility is becoming increasingly prevalent. According to the 2013 National Vital Statistics Reports,1 birth rates for women aged 30-39 years and 45-49 years increased (2% …