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Anatomical Perspectives: Acupuncture Treatment of Low Back Pain

 Using the Gluteus Medius, the Quadratus Lumborum, and the Sacral-Iliac Joint in the Treatment of Low Back and Hip Pain This article was originally published in the Winter 2023 edition of the AIM Newspaper. Read the full paper for free. Introduction After years of experience, I have come to understand that there is nothing more …

The Medical Community Must Embrace Standard Cannabis Education

By Timothy Byars Originally published August 15, 2022 in MJ News; updated January 27, 2023. On July 21, 2022, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) filed the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), a bill that ends federal cannabis prohibition, establishes federal cannabis tax rates, expunges some cannabis convictions, and …

Delving into Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Exploration of Its Rich History and Practices

Chinese medicine, with a history spanning millennia, has steadily gained recognition worldwide for its holistic and integrative approach to health and well-being. This age-old discipline emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit, offering a unique perspective on health care. In this comprehensive exploration, we will examine the history, key principles, and therapeutic practices …

Redefining Nourishment to Include Lifestyle and Environmental Sources Beyond Diet

By Kathleen Bell, RN, MSN, CNM, AHN-BC™ and Tammera Karr, PhD, BCHN®, CDSP™, CNW® Is nourishment limited to nutrients extracted through digestion? Or does nourishment also include components from one’s environment, culture, beliefs, and social connections, and surrounding wavelengths, and not just calories? This literature review shows that food alone is insufficient to generate or …

Medical Cannabis Education and Practice

The health advantages of cannabis have been the subject of more than 50,000 studies, including hundreds of clinical ones. Cannabis has been shown to be safe and effective in treating a number of different conditions and diseases, including multiple sclerosis, chronic pain in adults, nausea, and vomiting. According to Timothy Byars, MS, Cannabis Science and …

Why The World Needs More Holistic Nurse Coaches

  Although medical innovations have saved and improved the lives of millions, many are awakening to the realization that our current healthcare system is fundamentally broken. Western medicine’s focus on chronic disease management is proving to be profoundly ineffective, leaving most of the U.S. population sicker than ever. According to the Centers for Disease Control …