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Using Massage Therapy To Treat Postpartum Depression (Infographic)

The arrival of a newborn baby is often greeted with joy and celebration. However, the reality can be quite different for some people. Mothers can suffer from depression after their delivery. The causes are numerous and varied. The treatments are just as diverse. Using Massage Therapy to treat postpartum depression is one of the most …

Yin and Yang

By Maryanne Travaglione DAOM, LAc How many of us stand in awe of this basic theoretical foundation that so simply defines the tenets that guide our understanding of our world, our interrelationships and our medicine? I find that each of my days offers great opportunity to renew my understanding of the 4 guiding principles of yin …

Table Thai Massage vs. Floor Thai Massage: You’re Asking the Wrong Question

By Johanna Vargas, LMT, BCTMB Thai massage was my introduction to giving bodywork. Since my late teens, I had experienced profound, beneficial results from therapeutic massage: I had become aware of how and where I stored many strong emotions, avoided breech delivery of my second child, and ended up not needing surgery that I was …

Dao of Exercise

by Ann Rosen and Ross Rosen Why less may be more when it comes to exercise Limit cardio workouts and vigorous exercise. This is something that regularly meets resistance when we try to create treatment plans with new patients. I imagine it is a hard pill to swallow, particularly when most people have initiated these …

Herbal Treatment in Special Populations

By Chava Quist, MSTOM Recently, I heard a colleague lament, “how come my patients take anything without question from their MD, but when I prescribe herbs suddenly they become a researcher?” It was a funny moment, albeit a common one. As Chinese medicine (CM) has gained more mainstream press, research, celebrity and professional athlete followers, …

The 5 Phases of Event Training Using Sports Acupuncture

When treating athletes, there are many things to take into consideration and timing is one of the most critical. Most athletes participate in scheduled events that they prepare for months in advance. When the treatment occurs in relation to these scheduled events is a major factor that will affect their treatment. There are five phases …