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Classical Five-Element Acupuncture Case Study

The patient is a 28-year-old female, single, and employed as a wardrobe consultant in the live entertainment industry. In her initial examination, employing the diagnostic criteria of odor, color, sound, and emotion, she emitted a scorched odor, expressed a lack of red color—ashen-gray skin tone lateral to her eyes—a lack of laughter in the sound …

Supportive Care for Cancer Patients During and After Chemotherapy Treatments

By Butch Levy, MD, LAc Introduction In my clinical practice as an integrative primary care provider, I often diagnosed cancer in my patients and referred them to local oncologists. As they started conventional treatment, I quickly began to recognise the toll that chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation took upon them. Having trained in Chinese medicine, and …

An Integrative Approach to Treating Headache, Neck Stiffness & Low Back Pain Using Chinese Medicine and Egoscue Method®

A New Episode in our Master Class Series! Presented by Brian Bradley and Dr Greg Lane, DACM, LAc Designed for Chinese medicine and health coach professionals, as well as potential students and patients interested in learning more about the integrative approach to pain management, this unique presentation covers a case study addressed by two pain …

Ministry of Hemp Podcast Features Faculty Member Eloise Theisen – “A Nurse That Prescribes Cannabis: Treating Hemp As Medicine”

Eloise Theisen, one of Pacific College’s Medical Cannabis program expert faculty members and President of the American Nurses Cannabis Association, was recently featured on the Ministry of Hemp’s podcast as part of their “Women in Hemp” series.  “A Nurse That Prescribes Cannabis: Treating Hemp As Medicine” covers everything from building a cannabis regimen for specific patients …

Pacific College rejects racism and all other forms of injustice

We are horrified by the death of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and too many others. We mourn for their families, communities, and for all suffering from injustice. Their deaths cry out for answers to questions that have plagued our nation and communities for too long. In the coming days, weeks and months, I …

Online Panel Discussion: Reopening & Operating Acupuncture Practices During the Pandemic

With all of the fear and unknowns of “reopening” during the pandemic, Pacific College and Lhasa OMS are proud to have hosted leaders in our industry to discuss how they incorporated the new CDC/OSHA Guidelines into their practices and daily routines. Practitioners from all over the country came together and saw how the new changes …

CALIFORNIA LICENSED ACUPUNCTURISTS WANTED to help design the next California Licensing Exam (CALE)

Attention Acupuncture Professionals! The California Acupuncture Board (Board) and the Office of Professional Examination Services (OPES) are recruiting licensed acupuncturists to assist with development of the California Acupuncture Licensing Examination (CALE) and the occupational analysis of the acupuncturist profession in California. We are looking for acupuncturists to serve as subject matter experts (SMEs) in workshops …

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Emergency Funds Report

Dear Pacific College of Health and Science Community, We are pleased to share that Pacific College of Health and Science (OPEID ID 030277-00) received $561,804.00 as part of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act in support of students. Colleges and universities across the nation are receiving this funding from the U.S. …