Pacific College

Dr. David R. Sol is a Doctor of Acupuncture (D.Ac) and a massage therapist (LMT). Since 1999, he has been a clinically based massage therapist practicing within medical and holistic centers as well as the fitness space working with patients ranging from infants to older adults. In 2001, he became a massage instructor teaching both hands-on and theoretical coursework in the field of massage therapy. Since January 2010, he has had numerous roles at Pacific College of Health and Science such as Director of Education and Dean of Undergraduate Studies in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Sol’s specialties include Integrative Clinical Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Pediatric Massage Therapy, Energy Balancing, Herbology and Personal Training among many other areas.

Articles by Pacific College

Moxibustion and Other OM Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Moxibustion and Other OM Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy

While acupuncture is the best-known modality of Oriental medicine, closely followed by Chinese herbology and massage (known as Asian bodywork), moxibustion therapy, or moxa treatment, is another highly effective Oriental medicine therapy. Moxibustion involves burning moxa (mugwort herb) near or on the skin, particularly at acupoints. This treatment is designed

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3 Key Ways Acupuncture Supports Men's Health

3 Key Ways Acupuncture Supports Men’s Health

We recently came up with 10 important ways that acupuncture benefits women. While men, too, certainly enjoy improvements in mood, sleep, pain, and addiction recovery just like women do, there are three additional improvements that men can expect from a course of treatment delivered by the hands of a skilled

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5 Great Ways To Improve Your Life In 2017

5 Great Ways To Improve Your Life In 2017

2017 is bound to be a year of significant changes. Some are out of your control, but others may be spurred by the drive to create a better, more rewarding life. From meditating to returning to school, there are all kinds of things you can do to improve your life

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There’s Something Going On…We Can Smell It!

There’s Something Going On…We Can Smell It!

Our sense of smell can have profound effects on our mental and physical processes. The scent of an apple pie baking in the oven may bring feelings of happiness and calm as it reminds a person of their grandmother’s baking. On the contrary, the smell of pickles might cause someone

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Want to Shed Some Pounds? Give Acupuncture a Go!

Want to Shed Some Pounds? Give Acupuncture a Go!

In our fast-paced society, it sometimes seems hard to find time to eat at all. However, the fact of the matter is that we often eat too much and gain unwanted weight. So, what’s the best way to shed those unwanted pounds? A healthy diet combined with physical activity would

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Chinese New Year: Year of the Fire Rooster

Chinese New Year: Year of the Fire Rooster

Welcome to the Year of the Fire Rooster! The Chinese calendar is a yearly one, with the start of the year governed by the cycles of the moon, so the beginning of the year can fall anywhere from late January to mid February. This year it falls on January 28th,

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Resolving to Make Your 2017 Resolutions Stick

Resolving to Make Your 2017 Resolutions Stick

Are you determined to be counted among the 9.2 percent of people who can pat themselves on the back when 2017 ends, feeling confident and empowered by your ability to achieve your New Year’s resolutions? Needless to say, change is hard. Whether your intention is to start a plant-based diet,

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