Pacific College

Dr. David R. Sol is a Doctor of Acupuncture (D.Ac) and a massage therapist (LMT). Since 1999, he has been a clinically based massage therapist practicing within medical and holistic centers as well as the fitness space working with patients ranging from infants to older adults. In 2001, he became a massage instructor teaching both hands-on and theoretical coursework in the field of massage therapy. Since January 2010, he has had numerous roles at Pacific College of Health and Science such as Director of Education and Dean of Undergraduate Studies in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Sol’s specialties include Integrative Clinical Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Pediatric Massage Therapy, Energy Balancing, Herbology and Personal Training among many other areas.

Articles by Pacific College

The Chia Seed: Desk Pet or Superfood?

The Chia Seed: Desk Pet or Superfood?

Did you know that the chia pet of your childhood can also be grown in your garden as an incredible superfood? Chia seeds are edible on their own or cooked, baked, or mixed into other delights. This seed comes from the desert plant, Salvia hispanica, which is a member of

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Acupuncture Shown to Rewire the Brain in New Carpal Tunnel Study

Acupuncture Shown to Rewire the Brain in New Carpal Tunnel Study

We know that acupuncture works, but a recent study on carpal tunnel syndrome, published in Brain, a neurology journal, might help us to learn how acupuncture shown to rewire the brain. A team of investigators based at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) chose carpal tunnel as

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The Acupuncture Evidence Project

The Acupuncture Evidence Project

Although acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, the evidence for its effectiveness has only begun to be assembled over the past few decades. The Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd (AACMA), identifying the need for an updated review of the evidence with greater rigor than was possible

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