Kansas Passes Acupuncture Practice Act

By Pacific College - May 19, 2016
Kansas Passes Acupuncture Practice Act

May 19, 2016

Big congratulations to Kansas! On May 13, Kansas made great strides forward by passing the Acupuncture Practice Act as part of HB2615, gathering all 40 votes in the Senate and 115-7 in the House. The Acupuncture Practice Act, which has been in the works for more than five years, requires acupuncturists practicing in the state to be licensed. This brings us one step closer to a nationally unified approach and federal recognition, leaving only five states in the nation that do not yet require licensure.

Licensure brings order to our profession, protecting our clients by preventing unqualified individuals from practicing and guaranteeing that qualified practitioners can. The bill also establishes a regulatory committee and grandfathers in established practitioners.

Read the full text of the bill here

Image courtesy of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_State_Capitol#/media/File:Kansas_Statehouse_2015.jpg

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