Covid19 – Class Cancellations Notification

By Pacific College - March 12, 2020
COVID 19 Pacific College information

Dear Pacific College Students,

Given the events of the last 24 hours, administrative and academic leadership at the college have decided to do our best to limit possible exposure of our community to the coronavirus. To that end, there will be two phases to our plan. These plans affect only the on-ground campus program not any online transitional doctoral, medical cannabis, or health and human performance programs.

Phase 1

  1. All classes on Saturday March 14 and Sunday March 15 are cancelled.
  2. Clinic shifts will all remain open.

Phase 2

Beginning Monday March 16 through the end of the Winter 2020 semester, instruction will be delivered by distance education through a variety of media described below.

DIDACTIC CLASSES (non-practical)

  • Will move to an assignment-based educational model. Generally, faculty will send you reading assignments and will respond to questions via email to the best of their ability given the time dedicated to each course.
  • Quizzes and exams may be administered in Moodle, if the exams are already in that format. Alternate assessments may be given or waived in other cases. Deans are currently discussing options with faculty.
  • Do not come to class at the campus.


  • Where possible, we will move to an assignment-based educational model as described above.
  • Other alternatives are still under discussion. Given the short time remaining in the semester, it is likely that the course learning objectives can be moved to the next course in the series, if there is one, or alternative supplementation will be considered.
  • Do not come to class at the campus.


  • The Pacific College Clinic will remain open for the duration of the semester. All clinic shifts will be held as normal with students and faculty treating patients. Heightened screening/precautions/and hygiene practices will be in effect.
  • Unless you are sick or determine that you do not want to or cannot provide services in the clinic, please report to your normal shifts. Notify the clinic immediately upon any decision not to show up for your shift.


Comprehensive exams are cancelled this semester. Students may proceed into subsequent semesters as if they had passed the comps. Comps will be rescheduled for a future date. If they are conducted during the Spring semester, even students failing them will be allowed to complete Spring 2020 classes but may be prohibited from further progress in Fall 2020, as if they had failed in the Winter 2020 semester.


  • The library will be open, but on a more limited basis. Please check with the campus before making a trip to the library.


  • At this time, graduation plans are still in effect. However, those plans may change at any time. We will keep you informed.
  • Other outside events at the three campus may be cancelled. Please check with the campus director.

PLEASE, check your email EVERY DAY for details about any classes you have for next week. The email may come from the faculty member or deans with important details about the ways in which you will be able to complete this semester’s courses and receive credit for them.

Please note that these are unprecedented events and we are all doing our best to keep you healthy while ensuring the continuity of your education. While we hope that this situation will be limited in time and scope, we must prepare for the worst. To that end, we will begin the training of faculty shortly so that, if needed, they will be able to deliver the kind of distance education experience in the Spring 2020 semester that we want for you. These would include live, interactive webinars in an environment where you would be able to see and hear your faculty and fellow students from the safety and comfort of whatever location you choose. Options for hands-on courses are still be explored. We all pray it does not come to this, but forewarned is forearmed. Updates about Spring 2020 will be sent as soon as possible. Please register as you normally would.


What is the plan to make up practice time for this term for acupuncture and massage students?

With such little time remaining in the Winter 2020 semester, the likely plan will be to address the course learning objectives in subsequent semester with no replacement of lost time. However, all options are still under consideration.

Will the campus remain open for the remainder of the term? If yes, can students come to campus to work on the campus computers, use the library, use the space to study, etc.?

Yes, but hours may be limited. Please check with your local campus before making a trip to school.

Will the library remain open? If yes, for how many hours per day/which days, etc.?

Yes, but hours may be limited. Please check with your local campus before making a trip to school.

Can students get a partial refund for this term’s courses? Or, can they receive credit toward re-taking the same course in the future term?

We are past the no refund point in the semester. All course must be completed to receive credit for the course.

What is the process if a student decides not going to attend clinic for the rest of the term?

All students must use their own best judgment about their health while considering their responsibility as a healthcare provider. If a student does not complete their hours this semester, the college will do its best to allow make up of those hours on a space available basis. Please let your clinic director know immediately if you will not be attending clinic shifts.

If you have specific questions about this email, please contact your program’s academic dean for the best response time. While I’m always happy to hear from students, given this situation, I may not be in the best position to provide a speedy response.

Here are your deans’ email addresses:

San Diego


New York

Thank you all for your patience, cooperation and continued healing efforts during such extraordinary times,

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Pacific College

Pacific College of Health and Science (PCHS) is a leading institution in holistic and integrative healthcare education, deeply rooted in Chinese medicine since 1986. As the largest school of Chinese medicine in the U.S., PCHS offers a wide range of innovative programs, including online and on-campus degrees in holistic nursing, massage therapy, and integrative medicine.

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