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American College of Physicians Recommends Massage and Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

Updated May 6, 2020 The American College of Physicians (ACP) has issued new guidelines for treating low back pain that recommend massage and acupuncture over drugs. Low back pain is the 5th most common reason for doctor visits by Americans, with about a quarter of all US adults reporting low back pain in the past 3 months …

Self Care Tips for Massage Therapists: You Take Care of Others’ Pain, Be Sure to Prevent Your Own

Massage therapists are naturally nurturing, intuitive individuals. They dedicate their careers to helping others release pain and get their bodies back into balance. However, if a massage therapist doesn’t take great care to avoid it, they may be on a path toward the opposite effect on their own health. Remember, you best serve your clients …

Moxibustion and Other OM Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy

While acupuncture is the best-known modality of Oriental medicine, closely followed by Chinese herbology and massage (known as Asian bodywork), moxibustion therapy, or moxa treatment, is another highly effective Oriental medicine therapy. Moxibustion involves burning moxa (mugwort herb) near or on the skin, particularly at acupoints. This treatment is designed to strengthen and stimulate blood …

3 Key Ways Acupuncture Supports Men’s Health

We recently came up with 10 important ways that acupuncture benefits women. While men, too, certainly enjoy improvements in mood, sleep, pain, and addiction recovery just like women do, there are three additional improvements that men can expect from a course of treatment delivered by the hands of a skilled Chinese medicine practitioner. 1) Improvements …

The Daily Grind: Driving Posture, Automotive Seating, Design and Massage Therapy

By Leena S. Guptha, DO, MBA, BCTMB​, PCOM Academic Dean of Graduate Studies How many minutes per day do you spend driving? Research shows that nearly 180 million of us utilize cars as our primary means of transportation for short trips, long trips, and everything in between. As we have seen over the years, cars come …